Sílica Sul 17 Years
Silica Sul, which has been on the market for 17 years, specializes in silica gel, a powerful, highly efficient dehumidifying and dehydrating agent, recommended worldwide for the protection of products, objects and various materials against moisture and oxidation, ensuring the integrity of the product. your product.
Sílica Gel Bulk
White, Blue and Orange (Amber)
Silica Gel Sachets in Roll
Sachets 1g silica gel in roll.
Calcium Chloride Sachet
The GK Gel strip is based on the proven ability of calcium chloride to absorb water from the environment very effectively. The GK Gel strip absorbs up to 360% of its weight in water. The absorbed water forms a gel that is retained inside the strip, thus avoiding the typical brine drips of traditional desiccants.
Silica Gel Sachets
Sachets in various sizes
Container Sachets
Sachets in various sizes
Activated Charcoal Sachets
100% coal or silica gel mixed sachets
Dehumidifier Hearing Aid
Protects hearing aid from moisture